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3 years :D

to be a fake people (?)

hello long time no see. kepikiran buat ngisi blog tapi ga sempet juga. bukan karena sibuk atau apa. tapi sebenernya lagi bingung apa ya yang bakal ditulis??
tiba tiba hari ini pas gue buka twitter dan menlihat timeline yang diisi dengan sejuta kata (?) dan perasaaan gue ga tau kenapa merasa kayak seperti ada seorang yang sedang marah atau gimana gue ga ngerti lah.
nah langsung terlintas di pikiran gue judul ini nih yang diatas.
inilah yang ada dalam pikiran gue sekarang.
sebenernya gue ga tau apa kah orang orang yang ada di sekitar gue benar benar baik atau jahat. maksudnya, misalkan ada temen gue yang bilang si A jahat padahal sebenernya belum tentu dia jahat atau mungkin sebaliknya. iya ga sih? oke lanjut. sama aja kayak orang-orang di sekitar gue yang mungkin bilang gue baik atau jahat. terkadang gue bisa jadi keduanya. yap! gue akuin terkadang manusia seperti itu. pada dasarnya gue ga tau apakah gue orang yang baik atau bukan. tapi di suatu kondisi terkadang kita memang diharuskan untuk berbuat jahat. contoh: gue harus berpura-pura senyum depan orang yang kurang gue suka tapi setelah itu ketika temen-temen lagi ngomongin dia gue juga ikutan ngomongin. itu terlihat munafik memang. tapi sepertinya dan pada kenyataannya banyak orang yang seperti itu. tapi kalo dipikir, agak ga mungkin kita ngejutekin orang yang kurang kita suka secara tiba-tiba. bisa jadi si orang itu bingung, ya ga? kalo diliat dari contoh ini, mungkin in yang bisa disebut "fake". ini memang sangat jahat (gue akuin) tapi.. inilah kenyataannya. dan gue juga tau kalo ada yang bersikap itu ke gue. oke, anggeplah itu adil, menjadi orang fake dan orang bersikap fake ke kita. dan gue pikir kita ga patut untuk menyalahkan orang yang bersikap fake karna pada dasarnya apa yang dilakukan setiap orang, ada tujuannya dibalik itu semua (walaupun pada akhirnya itu menyakitkan bagi orang lain, but.. this is life!!)

I Wish.. and I Want

I want to be a child who is obedient to parents

I wish I could reach my ideals

I wish I could love my brother

I wish I could ever love my sister

I wish I could see my parents forever

I wish I could have a life that seems perfect

I wish I also had a true love

I wish I could be a great woman

I wish I could be a faithful wife

I wish I could be the mother who can educate their children

I wish I could see my brother will succeed

I wish I could be a great psychologist

I wish I could become a teacher

I want to be able to make a change

I wish I could make friends with my best friends forever

I also want to be a career woman

I wish I could help children less fortunate

I wish I could be like those who are successful

I wish I could be like they are happy

and I also want to feel like they feel pain

I wish my mom was not angry with me again

I wish I did not disappoint my parents

I want to be with my friends

I want to be always there for friends

And ....

I wish I could make my parents happy forever

I wish I could love someone who loves me as it is

Super Brother

This time I will talk about the man who seemed to say I'm proud of him. He is my brother. Why? not because he is a man who often get the achievement at his school or anywhere or maybe because he's handsome? (itu apalagi). That because I love his ideas. I like how he faced life, and too bad because I've noticed lately. He was so nice, because my brother is willing to accompany me everywhere, willing to drive me everywhere. And he will not get angry if I ask for his help. 
He was too impatient of his life in recent years. when he faced a bad thing, he never grieve. Even though my mother told me that  he's lazy, but I do not think like that. In fact he has a plan how he would make his parents proud. 
 Dad once told me that he is a very good character. He never asks anything if that's not important. And I think he'll be like Daddy someday. Hopefully he can feel happy life later, a happy family and still have the bestfriends like that now he had.

"Oh God, please protect him, help him when he faces difficulties, ease him in living his life. hopefully what he wants he can get. And hopefully he can become the best person for the family and he became a dutiful son to parents. Give him a perfect family soon"


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