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Talking about love, its look like there will be no end and will not be bored.  You know why? Because when we talk about love all the feeling being one. Yaah.. seperti itulah menurutku kalo lagi ngomongin tentang cinta pasti langsung semangat nge gosip deh  ( as always.. ). Tapi yang bikin bingung kenapa kalo ngomongin cinta pasti objeknya kalo gebetan ya pacar atau mungkin.... mantan (?) Jarang loh ada yang ngomongin tentang cinta sama temen, sahabat, hewan peliharaan dan terutama keluarga! kenapa ya?? Gue sendiri juga masih bingung kenapa.

 Yah, tapi ga bisa disalahin juga siiihh....because I was also one of them. I talk about love when I love or like someone. And it was great fun!! Well, actually, I couldn't understand the meaning of 'Love' until now. Okay, let me ask You guys. You know what Love is? Let me now!! every person must have a meaning of Love. Jadi sebenernya ga ada yang tau persis apa sih 'Cinta' itu (?)

terkadang iri deh sama temen-temen yang punya kisah cinta sendiri hahaha. ya pasti semua orang mau dong dicintai? setiap orang tekadang gampang mendapatkan cinta nya tapi kadang juga nih susah ngedapetinnya (Saya misalnya) ya... ya.. udah takdir nya masing-masing juga kali ya. Lets find Your Love before its too late Guys!! Ga mau kan kalo diantara kalian ada yang sampe nangis kejer gara-gara ga bisa ngedapetin cinta lo? Semoga nggak deh amin..

And.. who already have a love, keep it carefully. Beruntung kalian yang sudah memilikinya. Pastinya punya banyak cerita indah kan? Ya... walaupun banyak juga sedihnya. But that's normal. love will not be fun kalo kita hanya ngerasain yang seneng-senengnya aja loh. Jadi ada pembelajaran juga dalam 'Cinta'
Tapi jangan juga memaksakan 'Cinta' itu sendiri.Terkadang apa yang kita harapkan ga sesuai dengan takdir yang ada. Jika sekarang ia bilang cinta, bukan ga mungkin ke depannya akan berubah jadi 'Tidak Cinta'. ga ada yang tau kapan sih 'Cinta' akan bertahan lama. Dan ga semua orang bisa menerima perubahan itu kan??
Setiap orang mesti berhati-hati menghadapi Cinta kalo emang ga mau terjadi sesuatu yang berbahaya (?)
Sometimes Love plunge us.

For me, Love is the secret.No one knew who My Love. Because I keep it in My heart. If people say "Let's say Your love" I'll answer " Not now, because there will be time later..."
I will wait because I want..

So.... Find your Love, Feel you Love, Keep your Love
Because Love is Forever if  that's You want

who are You?

already 18 years old I live, but I think this is the culmination of my frustration. gimana enggak? dia selalu menganggap bahwa apa yang dia katakan selalu benar. dan setiap hal yang dia yang dia perintahkan HARUS dilakukan.  that's enough for me! I have my own way to organize this all. bukan nya tidak mau mendengar apa yang dia katakan. selama ini saya menuruti apa yang ia inginkan  (sebagian besar ). and I think it's time I acted on my desire. tapi tentu tidak tanpa persetujuannya. aku menyayanginya. jujur sangat!

and i'm not going to be like today, jika bukan karena nya. but why You act like a child? intervene in any problems.

 did You know? You've lost one person. people who love You. but that feeling may be lost along with You attitude toward. Dia harus berubah jika ingin segala keadaan berubah lebih baik. 
Hampir seminggu, keadaannya semakin kacau. you know? It's like World War III. And she really makes everyone arround her hates her. Dad who I know, he is a very patient, losing patience

You hurt my father, and I do not like if someone had hurt him.Why You never trust him completely? if He did a litltle mistake, You immediately disputed! 

why oh why? 

I hope You change

Halo this is the 2nd

hei glad to see you again. sorry if my profile is still there, i'm not an expert of messing work on the blog profile.
what's new??
nothing, i mean not yet
I'm waiting for the announcement of test UMBresults and will take the SNMPTN test. I can not calm this time, I had to arrange the future from now. if  can not be a psychologist, i will... (hmm mungkin akan banting setir ke profesi lain.)
by the way,
i miss my friends, school activities, school events, feel afraid if i didn't do the task, gossiping together,talking about boys(?) okay this is women's habit. i think everyone missed the high school years.
hey, I'm so happy because  many of my friends that have been accepted at university. yuhuuuuuuu (y). i believe that someday i can feel what they feel at this moment.
talking about snmptn, i got the test locations in SMAN 35. i don't know where the place.I hope I pass on both of these test, amin.
i feel sleepy now, sorry. (nanti akan dilanjut lagi insyAllah hehe)

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