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Speak when you angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret

so, who will?

She thought they could.
But She wrong.
Shethought they think what she thinks.
But She wrong.
She thought they through this for their's.
But she still have no idea
Do they ever think about your's? you know, the consequences.
You know, she thought that later.. in the next life, you could tke her to go to a heaven. 
If you can't.. who?

please to not to be a selfish one.

How do You Think?

Let's talk about Quotes! Million of words can be million of quotes. Every person has their own quotes. it could be a motivation for them to through this life.

If Bad things is Here, Good things is Near. Face without Fear and Bear all this things. For  sooner or later, things will get Better.
(In this life, there is always the good and bad things. God, He gives us problems, so we always learn from the problem how we face it and make it as a learning for us. Most people ask for good things. When we ca learn from the bad things? I think, to get something good, we need to get the a bad thing first. So, in my opinion, we as a human could more appreciate this life that given from God. Problem does exist, it can be solved.)

Sometimes we have to lose BIG to win BIG.
 ( Sometimes, we must have do sacrifies. To get the goals that we want, there is something should be sacrified. )

The beauty of moving on is someday you’ll realize that someone better will love you more than your EX can do.
( Most people have to do it, after breaking up with boy/grilfriend. How about you? Yes, we must to continue our life. do not fall to deep with sadness that we had. Come on, guys. Life is so beautiful. Full of beauty even there is sadness too. We have a dream that it won't defeated by the sadness.)

Miss Invisible

"There's a girl
Who sits under the bleachers
Just another day eating alone
And though she smiles
There is something just hiding
And she cant find a way to relate.
 (Why does women likes to hide herself from someone she likes? And is it true that the women smart in hiding their feelings?))

"She just goes unnoticed
As the crowd passes by
And she'll pretend to be busy
When inside she just wants to cry
She'll say..."
(Women will do anything else when she wanted to cry.)
"Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little harder, I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes
Take another look at the face of Miss Always Invisible
Look a little closer and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day
When you'll ask her her name."
(In her difficult life, she wanted to hide herself in a very small stuff, so no one see her. And she will come out when the time comes)

The beginning, in the first weeks of class
She did everything to try and fit in
But the others they couldn't seem to get past all the things that mismatched on the surface
And she would close her eyes when they left and as she fell down the stairs
And the more that they joked
And the more that they screamed
She retreated to where she is now
And she'll sing...

( She tries to adapt in her new school. But she didn't find a match. She wanted to run and crying. She won't let anybody see her.)

Hi! Glad I'm writing here now!! It has been 5 months until now I'm in UNJ :).

Apa yang terjadi selama 5 bulan ini? Banyak hal!
- Kuliah berbeda dengan SMA
- Kuliah gak kalah seru sama SMA (tapi masih terseru masa SMA)
- Temennya baik hati dan seru! dan..
- Saya mencintai Psikologi <3

 beberapa teman baru, namanya :

1. Alfia Rahmi Yufi
ciri-ciri : silahkan menilai dari fotonya ;) tanggapan kalian nggak jauh berbeda kok sama gue :) hehehe. but I love her! she always know how to make people laugh :D

2. Dini Amalia
We both share everything about things was happened around us

3. Twindy Perttymaia
terlalu polos

4. Sofiani Murni Lestari

 seniman sekali -" her faces like an angel and also her heart :)

 we are <3

Ini beberapa teman barunya, nanti akan dilanjutin lagi di sesi perkenalan berikutnya :)
thank you for reading this whoever :)
Even there is new people in my life, the oldest still in my heart

so sorry

Hallo, :) maaf ya udah lama tidak diurus. Dikarenakan satu hal yang bercabang menjadi banyak hal. Hehe, hey I'm officially member of state university of jakarta now!! Hehe alhamdulillah, kuliah disana di jurusan psikologi :D awalnya sempet berjalan nggak lancar pas mau daftar ulang. Gimana nggak, tanggal 16 agustus tepatnya hari senin, baru tau kalo daftar ulang unj terakhir itu dari tanggal 13, dan itu juga tau dari kakak gue. Langsung deg2an gue. Terus langsung ‎​(-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) juga hehe (maaf karna emang ga kebayang kalo gue didepak dari sana). Beruntung punya kakak yang baik, gue dan dia langsung meluncur ke unj buat coba ngomong sama orang sana. Yap setibanya di unj, langsung ketemu sama kepala BAAK nya dan memohoin untuk minta pengertiannya. Tapi dengan muka juteknya dia langsung ditolak mentah2. Tiba-tiba kakak gue membawa gue langsung ke Dekan unj, yak belom apa2 udah ketemu mereka aja kan, setelah menunggu beberapa lama akhirnya Dekan itu membawa berita yang sangat bagus bahwa gue masih diberi kesempatan hehe. Thanks Sir!! Gue disuruh dateng dua hari lagi untuk daftar ulang. Langsung kesenpatan itu ga gue sia siain. Tepat pada saat gue daftar ulang, alhamdu ga rame (karna emang daftar ulang juga udah lewat). Hari-hari daftar ulang gue lewati dengan senaang hati supaya ga terlewat satupun. Setelah melakukan berbagai administrasi dan tes-tesnya akhirnya gue resmi menjadi mahasiswa UNJ jurusan psikologi tahun 2010. Dan semoga bisa menjalani hari hari kuliah dengan baik dan lulus tepat pada waktunya. Amin. Begitu juga bagi kalian yang menjadi mahasiswa baru di universitas kalian. Ayo semangat kuliah, inilah hasil dari apa yang kita jalani selama 3 tahun berada di SMA dan hasil dari kita belajar serius selama 1 tahun terakhir ditambah dengan kunjungan tiap hari ke bimbel hehe. Let's rock our college Guys!! :D


siang ini ceritanya tadi pergi sama kakak cowok gue ke tempat "Dina travel" di deket arion naik motor dari rumahku -.- dan di tengah jalan, tiba-tiba ayah gue nelfon ditengah jalan.
papa : fani, dimana?
fani   : di jalan pa sama safril abis dari travel
papa : oh, trus fani udah daftar unj tadi, nak?
fani   : iya pa udah kok tadi di bank, papa dimana?masih dirumah?
papa : udah di jalan papa, yaudah uangnya tadi udah papa titip di feby ya. jadi fani ga usah kasih ke feby lagi. dapet ke makassar tanggal berapa?
fani   : iya pa makasih. tanggal 23 pa jam 10.30  papa pulang kapan?
papa : papa pulang hari jumat malem. yaudah fani sekarang belajar yang bener ya biar ga sia-sia semuanya   jangan main main terus ya. buat papa juga nak.
fani   : (diem sejenak) ha iya pa.
papa : yaudah udah dulu ya salamualaikum
fani   :walaikumsalam pa.

setelah telfon singkat tadi tiba-tiba gue nangis. ga tau kenapa langsung ngucur aja gitu di muka gue. berapa kali gue usaha berapa kali juga gue gagal. dan berapa kali bokap gue ngasih uang pendaftaran tapi sampai sekarang gue belum bisa balikin dengan kata "anda diterima" ya Allah rasanya ga enak banget bokap ngomong kayak gitu pas dia mau pergi.

I hope someday I can repay all your sacrifices, Dad


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